It's extremely significant that the Church places Lazarus Saturday exactly one week earlier than the Resurrection of Christ. It is a miracle for teaching us the power of God so that we may learn to truly believe and have our faith transformed at Pascha. Just as we begin Holy Week, we get a glimpse and foretaste of the way God will save the world from the corruption of death. As Christ said, Lazarus was merely sleeping. Although death had claimed him, and he smelled from the corruption of his body, he will live again. This is our Orthodox theology! Our view of death as sleeping. A joyful sorrow of what we are about to experience in Holy Week.
Remember: Lazarus is each one of us. Each and every time we attend a funeral or place a loved one in the grave, we should remember this very real example. How does God feel about each one of us? Does He weep for us as He wept for Lazarus? Is He a loving God? Why has He allowed Lazarus to die?
We find the answer in the words of Christ to His Father, which are for our benefit. He says, "So that they may believe."
Christ attends the funeral to join the people in their sadness, and to transform the event into a celebration of life! He turns our tears of sadness into tears of joy!
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